Ryan has extensive international experience in the maritime and legal arena.
During conscription, Ryan spent two years in the South African Navy whilst serving on several vessels. Prior to devoting his time to law, Ryan worked in the upstream offshore oil and gas industry throughout the globe for thirteen years and qualified as a Ballast Control Operator, a Barge Master and Offshore Installation Manager.
Ryan completed his four-year Bachelor of Law with several academic awards and went on to complete his Master of Law with a focus on medical law, advanced contract law and torts. In 2005 Ryan was called to the bar in South Africa where he held private chambers until 2015 when he emigrated to Australia. He still holds right of appearance in the High Court of South Africa and remains a member of the National Bar Association of South Africa on which he served in the executive as national secretary for two years.
After arriving in Australia, Ryan worked as the national compliance, risk and governance officer for an after-hours doctor service, located in Queensland. During this time Ryan completed his further studies for admission in Queensland as a solicitor where he is a member of the Queensland Law Society.
Ryan has pertinent experience in a wide range of operational, legal and management roles and can deliver industry relevant, informed and practical solutions to those challenges that seem to be unique to shipping and maritime clients. Ryan also spent time as an operations manager for a ship-repair company in Cape Town and has first-hand experience in this field under challenging conditions at the repair quay and dry dock.
Outside of the legal framework Ryan enjoys his time with his family and playing golf, sailing or sitting down for a strategic game of chess. Ryan was appointed as a Notary Public in Queensland in 2024.