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Immigration Law

Need help with immigration services? Benodig jy hulp?

As qualified migration lawyers in Australia, PML is here to provide you with a professional and personalised solution to assist you with your needs

The amount of visa options and conditions can be overwhelming. We’re here to help you by understanding your situation and providing you with advice and tailor made solutions about your most appropriate visa class to comply with the Department of Home Affairs requirements.

PML, as gekwalifiseerde immigrasie prokureurs in Australië is daar om jou professionele en persoonlike oplossings te offer en jou by te staan met alle benodighede. Die hoeveelheid verskillende visums en die toepaslike klas van visum kan oorweldigend wees. Ons is daar om jou te help deur jou omstandighede te verstaan en ‘n pasgemaakte oplossing te offer met die gepaste visum klas wat voldoen aan die Australiese departement van binnelandse sake en immigrasie.

VISA Eligibility

Australia welcomes applicants who meet the eligibility criteria. In general, your eligibility for a visa to enter or remain in Australia depends on one or more of the following:

  • Australia’s need for your skills
  • Potential employment opportunity
  • Potential business opportunities
  • Potential investment opportunities
  • Any distinguished talent you have to offer
  • An offer to study
  • Family connections in Australia
  • Your plans for retirement
  • Plans for a working holiday
  • Plans for a relaxing holiday

Australië verwelkom applikante met kwalifiserende paslikheid. Oor die algemeen sal jou geskiktheid om ‘n visum te bekom en Australië binne te kom en te vertoef, afhang van een of meer van die volgende:

  • Australië benodig jou vaardighede
  • Potensiaal van ‘n indiensneming geleentheid
  • Potensiaal van besigheids-geleenthede
  • Potensieële beleggings-geleenthede
  • Enige uitnemende talent wat jy kan offer
  • Aanbiedinge om te studeer
  • Familiebetrekkinge in Australië
  • Beplanning rondtom aftrede
  • Planne vir ‘n werkende vakansie
  • Planne vir ‘n ontspannende vakansie

What can we do for you? Wat ons kan offer?

We can prepare, lodge, and manage your application with the Department of Home Affairs until your visa application is finalised and an outcome has been determined.

We can even assist you when you’ve already lodged your application!

Ons kan jou aansoek voorberei, indien en bestuur met die departement van binnelandse sake totdat jou visum aansoek gefinaliseërd is en ‘n resultaat bepaal is. Ons kan jou selfs bystaan indien jy reeds jou aansoek ingedien het.

Want more information? Benodig jy meer informasie?

You can obtain more information about the different types of visas on the website of the Department of Home Affairs:

Jy kan meer informasie bekom oor die verskillende tipe visums op die webtuiste van die departement van binnelandse sake:

Our most important message to you is to avoid disappointment, make sure that your application is lodged AND granted before travelling to Australia.

Ons mees belangrikste boodskap aan jou is om te verseker dat jou applikasie goedgekeur is voordat jy na Australië reis.



Maritime Visas

Maritime Crew Visa (MCV): You can stay in Australia as long as you are a crew member of a non-military ship in Australia and enter (by sea) as often as you want. At the same time, the visa lasts for three years unless ended prematurely. You must be outside Australia when you apply, and you must not arrive in Australia without a valid visa. With this visa, you can:

    • arrive and depart Australia by sea only as a crew member of a non-military ship, but if you want to fly to Australiastay in Australia for as long as you are signed on as a crew member of a non-military ship

    • only perform work in Australia as a crew member that meets the typical operational requirements of your ship, which includes all work that is required to keep the vessel operational, even if you are not physically aboard the vessel while you are performing your required duties as an employee.
    • however, you may consider applying for a Visitor or Tourist visa if you wish to make visits to or tour Australia while you are not working as crew on a ship and hold a Visitor visa at the same time as you hold a Maritime Crew Visa.

When signing off your vessel at an Australian port, Maritime Crew Visa (MCV) holders have only five (5) days to depart Australia or sign on to another non-military ship before their MCV automatically ceases to be valid. If you don’t have an extension granted, your MCV will end, and you will become an unlawful non-citizen.

  • Superyacht Crew Visa: This temporary visa allows you to work on board a superyacht as long as can provide evidence of employment and sponsorship by the captain. This Visa permits a stay in Australia of up to 12 months at a time. You may apply for a further visa while in Australia. A Superyacht is a high-value luxury sailing or motor vessel. It cannot carry cargo and must be used for sport or pleasure.
  • Special Purpose Visa:: This visa is aimed at foreign naval forces personnel who enter Australia by sea. Members of forces from countries that have agreements with Australia may be allowed to travel to Australia by air on an Special Purpose Visa to join their ship. The Australian Government requires prior approval for the vessel to arrive.
  • Transit Visa: This visa is valid for 72 hours from arrival in Australia. It is for individuals who transit through Australia to another country. People signing on as crew of a non-military ship may use the visa to reach their vessel after flying to Australia.

Maritieme Visum

Maritime Crew Visa ( MCV ): U kan in Australië bly solank u ‘n bemanningslid van ‘n nie-militêre skip in Australië is en ( per see ) binnegekom het. Terselfdertyd duur die visum drie jaar, tensy dit voortydig geëindig het. U moet buite Australië wees as u aansoek doen, en u moet nie sonder ‘n geldige visum in Australië aankom nie. Met hierdie visum kan u:

  • arriveer en vertrek slegs na Australië as ‘n bemanningslid van ‘n nie-militêre skip, maar as u na Australiastay in Australië wil vlieg solank u as bemanningslid van ‘n nie-militêre skip aangemeld is
  • verrig slegs werk in Australië as bemanningslid wat aan die tipiese bedryfsvereistes van u skip voldoen, wat alle werk insluit wat nodig is om die vaartuig in werking te stel, selfs al is u nie fisies aan boord van die vaartuig terwyl u u vereiste pligte as werknemer verrig nie.
  • egter, u kan dit oorweeg om aansoek te doen vir ‘n visum vir besoekers of toeriste as u Australië wil besoek of toer terwyl u nie as bemanning op ‘n skip werk nie en ‘n visum vir besoekers hou terselfdertyd as wat u ‘n maritieme bemanningsvisum het.

Wanneer u die skip verlaat by ‘n Australiese hawe met ‘n Maritime Crew Visa ( MCV ), het houers slegs vyf ( 5 ) dae om uit Australië te vertrek of aan te meld by ‘n ander nie-militêre skip voordat hul MCV outomaties ophou om geldig te wees. As u nie ‘n verlenging het nie, sal u MCV eindig, en u sal ‘n onwettige nie-burger word.

    • Superyacht Crew Visa: Met hierdie tydelike visum kan u aan boord van ‘n superyacht werk, solank dit bewys kan lewer van werk en borgskap deur die kaptein. Hierdie Visa laat ‘n verblyf in Australië van tot 12 maande op ‘n slag toe. U kan aansoek doen vir ‘n verdere visum terwyl u in Australië is. ‘N Superjag is ‘n luukse seil of motorvaartuig met ‘n hoë waarde. Dit kan nie vrag dra nie en moet gebruik word vir sport of plesier.
    • Visum met spesiale doeleindes :: Hierdie visum is gemik op personeel van buitelandse vlootmagte wat Australië per see binnekom. Lede van magte uit lande wat met Australië ooreenkomste het, mag toegelaat word om per lug na Australië te reis op ‘n Visa met spesiale doeleindes om by hul skip aan te sluit. Die Australiese regering vereis vooraf goedkeuring dat die vaartuig opdaag.
    • Transitvisum: Hierdie visum is geldig vir 72 uur na aankoms in Australië. Dit is vir individue wat deur Australië na ‘n ander land reis. Mense wat as bemanning van ‘n nie-militêre skip aanmeld, kan die visum gebruik om hul vaartuig te bereik nadat hulle na Australië gevlieg het.

Business and lnvestment Visa Category – Visakategorie vir besigheid en lnbelegging

Business innovation and investment visa opportunities are welcomed by the Australian Government for business people looking to settle in Australia. It is necessary to clearly and accurately present your business and investment history and your vision for doing business in Australia to demonstrate how you meet the required criteria.

If you are an eligible Australian business or corporation requiring overseas employees to work for you, we can assist with s

ponsorship applications for approved occupations. In this regard, we will advise you on the likely prospects of a potential candidate being granted a permanent, short-term or long-term visa─even before you make an employment offer.

All obligations will be discussed with the overseas employee directly to facilitate the visa requirements. Following the requirements laid down by the Department of Home Affairs, we will arrange clear and accurate applications, for both the sponsorsing entity and visa applicant, for the specific role proposed.

Besigheidsinnovasie en beleggingsvisumgeleenthede word deur die Australiese regering verwelkom vir sakelui wat in Australië wil vestig. Dit is nodig om u sake- en beleggingsgeskiedenis, en u visie om sake in Australië te doen, duidelik en akkuraat aan te bied om aan te toon hoe u aan die vereiste kriteria sal voldoen.

As u ‘n kwalifiserende Australiese onderneming of korporasie is wat oorsese werknemers benodig om vir u te werk, kan ons help met borgskapaansoeke vir goedgekeurde beroepe. In hierdie verband sal ons u adviseer oor die waarskynlike vooruitsigte dat ‘n potensiële kandidaat ‘n permanente, korttermyn- of langtermynvisum ─ kry, selfs voordat u ‘n diensaanbod aanbied.

Alle verpligtinge sal direk met die oorsese werknemer bespreek word om die visumvereistes te vergemaklik. Na aanleiding van die vereistes wat deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake neergelê is, reël ons duidelike en akkurate aansoeke vir sowel die borgonderneming as visumaansoeker vir die spesifieke rol wat voorgestel word.

Skilled Visas

Being sponsored by an Australian employer is not always necessary to immigrate and work in Australia. Based on your skills, the Australian Government may invite you to apply for migration as a skilled worker.

Before applying for assessment of your qualifications, PML can assess your qualifications and transcripts for the comparable recognition of an Australian skill assessment authority, e.g. VETASSESS.

Om deur ‘n Australiese werkgewer geborg te word, is nie altyd die enigste manier om na Australië te immigreer en te werk nie. Op grond van u vaardighede kan die Australiese regering u uitnooi om aansoek te doen vir migrasie as geskoolde werker.

Voordat u aansoek doen om die beoordeling van u kwalifikasies, kan PML u kwalifikasies en transkripsies beoordeel vir die vergelykbare erkenning van ‘n Australiese vaardigheidsassesseringsowerheid, bv. VETASSESS.

Requests from Immigration

As a general rule, unfavourable decisions concerning your immigration status are communicated by the Department of Home Affairs directly to you. Mostly a letter or email will be sent to your email or postal address. The decision letter typically requires a response within a specifi

ed time. The content, and response, to the decision letter is crucial to the determination of your future as an immigrant. Seek our

advice before making a response to a letter you receive from the Department of Home Affairs. We can advise you about the letter’s implications and about the options available to you in making a suitable response.

In die algemeen word ongunstige besluite rakende u immigrasiestatus direk aan u deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake gekommunikeer. ‘N Brief of e-pos word meestal na u e-pos of posadres gestuur. Die beslissingsbrief vereis gewoonlik binne ‘n bepaalde tyd ‘n antwoord. Die inhoud en reaksie op die besluitnemingsbrief is van uiterse belang vir die bepaling van u toekoms as immigrant.

Verkry eers ons advies voordat u antwoord op ‘n brief wat u van die Departement van Binnelandse Sake ontvang. Ons kan u adviseer oor die implikasies van die brief en oor die opsies wat u beskikbaar het om ‘n geskikte antwoord te lewer.

Unlawful Status

The Department of Home Affairs is aware of many unlawful non-citizens living and working in the Australian community. The Department prefers that illegal status be resolved through the appropriate avenues to residency status. It is not always necessary for an unlawful person to leave Australia to achieve permanent residency status. We can advise you about your options for resolving your illegal status.

Die departement van binnelandse sake is bewus van baie onwettige nie-burgers wat in die Australiese gemeenskap woon en werk. Die departement verkies dat onwettige status opgelos word deur die toepaslike moontlikhede om ‘n wettige status te kan hê. Dit is nie altyd nodig dat ‘n onregmatige persoon Australië verlaat om permanente verblyfstatus te bereik nie. Ons kan u adviseer oor u opsies om u onwettige status op te los.

Tribunal Review

If your visa was refused, or cancelled, we can advise you about your rights to an Administrative Appeals Tribunal review and the prospects of your success.

As u visum geweier is of gekanselleer is, kan ons u adviseer oor u regte op ‘n hersiening van die administratiewe appèltribunaal en die vooruitsigte van u sukses.

Court Appeals

Only limited immigration cases can be appealed in

court. We can arrange expert opinion about whether your case can be appealed and, if so, the likely prospects of success.

Slegs beperkte immigrasie-gevalle kan in appèl aangeteken word by ‘n hof. Ons kan kundige menings voorsien oor die vraag of u saak geappelleer kan word, en indien wel, die waarskynlike vooruitsigte op sukses.

Why Choose Us?


  • Immigration Lawyers, not only migration agents
  • Member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA)
  • Personal experience migrating from RSA to Aus
  • Efficient systems to manage case-flow
  • Value for money – fees through disclosure and agreement
  • Located in Australia
  • Communicate in either English or Afrikaans


  • Immigrasie prokureurs, nie net migrasie agente nie
  • Lid van die Migrasie-instituut van Australië ( MIA )
  • Persoonlike ervaring wat van RSA na Aus migreer
  • Doeltreffende stelsels om die vloei van die saak te bestuur
  • Waarde vir geld – fooie deur openbaarmaking en ooreenkoms
  • Geleë in Australië
  • Kommunikeer in Engels of Afrikaans

Migration Goals

    • Present you with all available visa options – you decide which one
    • Equip you with the knowledge to understand the steps as it can be challenging to navigate the Department of Home Affairs website to determine of most suitable visa option
    • Step-by-Step Planning in collaboration with you
    • Applying for a visa is a process that requires careful planning and consideration
    • We can do the legwork and protect your interest by preparing and / or lodging your visa application
    • Our migration staff will hold your hand step-by-step

Collaborative Teamwork

  • A visa application requires a magnitude of information to be captured and attaching many documents
  • Our systems are efficient, which will help you provide us with the correct information to complete the forms
  • We assist you with drafting any statements and business documents
  • Finding Solutions
  • By asking the right questions, we will point you in the right direction to find a fitting solution
  • Out assessment is complete and frank about your prospects of success, and we will not create a false expectation resulting in unnecessary time and costs


  • Bied u alle beskikbare visumopsies aan – u besluit watter een
  • Bemagtig u met die kennis om die stappe te verstaan, aangesien dit uitdagend kan wees om die webwerf van die Departement van Binnelandse Sake te navigeer om te bepaal of die geskikste visumopsie is
  • Stap-vir-stap beplanning in samewerking met u
  • Die aansoek van ‘n visum is ‘n proses wat noukeurige beplanning en oorweging vereis
  • Ons kan die loopwerk doen en u belangstelling beskerm deur u visumaansoek voor te berei en / of in te dien
  • Ons migrasiepersoneel hou u hand stap-vir-stap vas

Samewerkende spanwerk

  • n Visumaansoek vereis ‘n magdom van inligting en baie dokumente moet ingedien word
  • Ons stelsels is doeltreffend, wat u sal help om die regte inligting oor te gee om die vorms te kan voltooi
  • Ons help u met die opstel van enige verklarings en sakedokumente
  • Oplossings vind deur die regte vrae te stel, en ons sal u in die regte rigting wys om ‘n gepaste oplossing te vind
  • Ons assessering is volledig en eerlik oor u vooruitsigte op sukses, en ons sal nie ‘n valse verwagting skep wat onnodige tyd en koste tot gevolg het nie

Contact us for a:

  • Zoom Appointment
  • General Enquiry
  • Visa
  • Business Sponsorship
  • Other

Kontak ons vir ‘n

  • Zoom bespreking
  • Algemene navrae
  • Visum
  • Besigheidsborge
  • Ander